Homemade Chai Syrup

I first had Masala Chai (or Chai Latte) in December of 2000-andsomething and it was truly love at first sip. Back then I used to brew a black tea mix with spices, syrup and milk. The syrup however, was not homemade and I'm guessing it was just full of flavourings and preservatives. Eugh.
Sure, you can get those Chai teabags from Pukka or Twining's but by making your own syrup with real spices you get a result which is much, much (much!) more tastier. Over Christmas I got back into my Chai addiction (Like I do every winter) and this time I decided to make my own syrup! After looking up recipes online I adapted one I found from Not Quite Nigella to my personal preferences.
Homemade Chai Syrup
1,2 l water
10 Black teabags
1 dl honey
10 Cardamom pods
3 Star anise
1/2 ground nutmeg
1 Vanilla bean
2 Cinnamon sticks
1 Thick slice of ginger peeled and roughly chopped
1. Put all the ingredients in a pan and let simmer for 15min before removing the teabags. Continue to simmer for another 15 min with all the ingredients except the teabags.
2. Strain the syrup through a sieve and keep the syrup in the fridge. The milk/syrup ratio all depends on how strong you want your chai, but usually I go for 40/60 (40% Chai and 60% milk).