Living things
I remember exactly where I was. It was a cold December morning and I was standing outside Manchester City Hall, when suddenly I got a text from my sister saying "The Natural History Museum in London is getting the world's most complete Stegosaurus!!". Suddenly I was young again, remembering the same excitement that I felt when I first watched 'Walking with Dinosaurs'. One fabulous thing about London (and England in general) is the fact that most museums are free! For a student on a budget visiting London for 5 days that is a very very good thing. Even better when there's Grant Museum of Zoology and Natural History Museum.I've always been a Dino geek (and reading "My beloved Brontosaurus" by Brian Switek just ignited that passion again!) and I have always been fascinated by all living things. You feel a strong sense of respect and awe standing in front of a massive beast that once walked the planet 150 million years ago. So I finally got to see Sophie, the most complete Stegosaurus in the world, and she did not disappoint.

Amazing!! I can completely understand your excitement! And thank you for the book recommendation!